jennifer wendy ashley britney allison dana

»the diva way

Someone, somewhere is using trapped white space. A yearbook staff has just decided to use the theme "2Kool2B4Gotten." Phone messages are being written with cropping pencils. Comic sans is being used.

This is clearly a job for the Yearbook Divas.

With the ability to wrangle a cropper like nobody's business, we're also able to laugh at our little (okay, big) obsession with all things yearbook.

So make yourself comfortable. We're here to wallow in your fellow yearbook geekness.


  Looking for ideas to spice up your yearbook? Never fear, the divas are here! From fine design to theme ideas, we've got you covered.
  We could speak technical jargon for days, but what fun would that be?? Have some simple tips instead.
  Visit Herff Jones' yearbook website for all your yearbook needs. See why more award-winners choose Herff Jones.
  Want to show the world your diva pride? Visit the boutique and check our needless things.



     FYI - Fall Yearbook In-Service

     JEA/NSPA Convention




  We had a blast at Yearbook University. Check out our fun photos.e... Because we know that it's not just gals that can be fabulous yearbookers, we've devoted the cabana to boys who make the cut. Enter the Cabana
 -- your fabulous yearbook resource!


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<!-- END ADDME TRACKER CODE - Copyright 2000 Add Me, Inc --> is a website dedicated to the advancement of yearbook aesthetics and journalistic pursuit.  This site is intended for good old fashioned yearbook fun. S0, if you're a yearbook junkie, come on in! The ideas presented here do not necessarily reflect those of Herff Jones.

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